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Packages » TSpreadIdeals > minimalBettiNumbers
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minimalBettiNumbers -- return the minimal Betti numbers of the quotient ring corresponding to a given graded ideal




i1 : S=QQ[x_1..x_4]

o1 = S

o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : I=ideal(x_1*x_2,x_1*x_3,x_2*x_3)

o2 = ideal (x x , x x , x x )
             1 2   1 3   2 3

o2 : Ideal of S
i3 : J=ideal(join(flatten entries gens I,{x_1*x_2*x_3}))

o3 = ideal (x x , x x , x x , x x x )
             1 2   1 3   2 3   1 2 3

o3 : Ideal of S
i4 : I==J

o4 = true
i5 : betti I==betti J

o5 = false
i6 : minimalBettiNumbers I==minimalBettiNumbers J

o6 = true

Ways to use minimalBettiNumbers:

For the programmer

The object minimalBettiNumbers is a method function.