the function
tLastMon(u,gap,t) gives the smallest
t-spread monomials of the Borel shadow iterated
gaptimes of
u, that is, the smallest monomial of $B_\texttt{t}\{\texttt{u}\}$, with respect to $>_\mathrm{slex}.$
MaxInd is greater than -1 the function
tLastMon(u,gap,t,MaxInd=>m) gives the smallest
t-spread monomial for which the maximum of the support is
mThe Borel shadow of a
t-spread monomial
u, is defined as the shadow of the strongly stable set generated by
u. To work in a
t-spread contest, the Borel shadow of
u is the
t-shadow of $B_\texttt{t}\{u\}$.
i1 : S=QQ[x_1..x_16]
o1 = S
o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : tLastMon(x_2*x_6*x_10*x_13,1,3)
o2 = x x x x x
2 6 10 13 16
o2 : S
i3 : tLastMon(x_2*x_6*x_10*x_13,1,3,MaxInd=>14)
o3 = x x x x x
2 5 8 11 14
o3 : S