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ToricTopology -- homological computations in toric topology


ToricTopology is a package for computing with quasi-toric manifolds and small covers.

A quasi-toric manifold (or small cover) is entirely determined by a pair consisting of a simplicial complex K and a matrix chi which is characteristic for K.

If K has n vertices, we can think of its k-faces as sets of integers between 1 and n. A matrix chi is characteristic for K if all maximal minors of chi indexed by the facets of K have determinant equal to 1 or -1.



This documentation describes version 1.0 of ToricTopology.

Source code

The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file ToricTopology.m2.


  • Types
  • Functions and commands
  • Methods
    • bettiQTM(QuasiToricManifold) -- see bettiQTM -- Compute the betti numbers of a quasi-toric manifold
    • bettiQTM(ZZ,QuasiToricManifold) -- see bettiQTM -- Compute the betti numbers of a quasi-toric manifold
    • bettiSmallCover(SmallCover) -- see bettiSmallCover -- Compute the betti numbers of a small cover
    • bettiSmallCover(ZZ,SmallCover) -- see bettiSmallCover -- Compute the betti numbers of a small cover
    • chern(QuasiToricManifold) -- see chern -- Compute the Chern classes of a quasi-toric manifold
    • cohomologyRing(QuasiToricManifold) -- see cohomologyRing -- Compute the cohomology ring of a small cover or quasi-toric manifold
    • cohomologyRing(SmallCover) -- see cohomologyRing -- Compute the cohomology ring of a small cover or quasi-toric manifold
    • complexProjectiveSpace(ZZ) -- see complexProjectiveSpace -- Complex projective space of dimension n
    • hessenbergVariety(ZZ) -- see hessenbergVariety -- Hessenberg variety asscoiated to the n-permutahedron
    • realProjectiveSpace(ZZ) -- see realProjectiveSpace -- Real projective space of dimension n
    • stiefelWhitney(SmallCover) -- see stiefelWhitney -- Compute the Stiefel-Whitney classes of a small cover
  • Symbols
    • QTMCharacteristicMatrix (missing documentation)
    • QTMDimension (missing documentation)
    • QTMSimplicialComplex (missing documentation)

For the programmer

The object ToricTopology is a package.