areIsomorphic -- checks if two vector bundles are isomorphic
- Usage:
b = areIsomorphic(E,F)
E and
F must be vector bundles over the same fan and the filtrations must be defined over the same ring. Two equivariant vector bundles in Klyachko's description are isomorphic if there exists a simultaneous isomorphism for the filtered vector spaces of all rays. The method then returns whether the bundles are isomorphic.
i1 : HF = hirzebruchFan 2
o1 = HF
o1 : Fan
i2 : E = exteriorPower(2, cotangentBundle HF)
o2 = {dimension of the variety => 2 }
number of affine charts => 4
number of rays => 4
rank of the vector bundle => 1
o2 : ToricVectorBundleKlyachko
i3 : F = weilToCartier({-1,-1,-1,-1},HF)
o3 = {dimension of the variety => 2 }
number of affine charts => 4
number of rays => 4
rank of the vector bundle => 1
o3 : ToricVectorBundleKlyachko
i4 : areIsomorphic(E,F)
o4 = true
To obtain the isomorphism, if two bundles are isomorphic use
If E and F are defined over different rings (e.g. QQ and ZZ) then areIsomorphic(E,F) will return false. Likewise, if the bundles are only defined over ZZ, the function will check for an isomorphism of the filtrations over ZZ.
See also
isomorphism -- the isomorphism if the two bundles are isomorphic
base -- the basis matrices for the rays
filtration -- the filtration matrices of the vector bundle
details -- the details of a toric vector bundle
Ways to use areIsomorphic: