isRegularTriangulation T
A triangulation is called regular if it can be constructed in the following way: place the point set in one higher dimension at various heights in the new variable. Compute the convex hull. Collect the list of facets with downward pointing normal (last coordinate of normal vector is negative). If each of these is a simplex, then these form a triangulation of the original point set. A triangulation which arises this way is called regular. See the book [deLoera et al] for more details and many beautiful properties of such triangulations.
The following example is one of the simplest examples of a non-regular triangulation. Notice that tri is a triangulation of the polytope which is the convex hull of the columns of $A$, which are the only points allowed in the triangulation.
We check that T is indeed a triangulation, and whether it is a regular triangulation.
Many of the functions in this package are wrappers for topcom functions. Setting the global variable debugLevel to either 1,2, or 5 will give more detail about what files are written to Topcom, and what the executable is. Setting debugLevel to 0 means that the function will run silently.
Does topcom check that the triangulation is actually well defined? I'm not sure... This is why we call isWellDefined(Triangulation) (missing documentation) first.
The object isRegularTriangulation is a method function with options.