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Packages » TropicalToric :: support(ToricCycle)
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support(ToricCycle) -- Get the list of cones with non-zero coefficients in the cycle



This function returns the list of cones, corresponding to torus-invariant cycles, appearing in the support of a ToricCycle.

i1 : X = toricProjectiveSpace 4

o1 = X

o1 : NormalToricVariety
i2 : Z1 = toricCycle({{0,1} => 3,{0,2} => 7,{1,2} => 82},X)

o2 = 3*X       + 7*X       + 82*X
        {0, 1}      {0, 2}       {1, 2}

o2 : ToricCycle on X
i3 : Z2 = toricCycle({{0,1} => 4,{0,2} => 5},X)

o3 = 4*X       + 5*X
        {0, 1}      {0, 2}

o3 : ToricCycle on X
i4 : support Z1

o4 = {{0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 2}}

o4 : List
i5 : support Z2

o5 = {{0, 1}, {0, 2}}

o5 : List

Ways to use this method: