Computes the arithmetic genus of the projective scheme
VA nodal plane cubic curve has arithmetic genus 1:
i1 : V = Proj(QQ[a,b,c]/ideal(b^2*c-a^2*(a+c)))
o1 = V
o1 : ProjectiveVariety
i2 : genus V
o2 = 1
The Fano model of a Reye type Enriques surface in projective fivespace:
i3 : R = ZZ/101[x_0..x_5];
i4 : M = random(R^4, R^{4:-1});
4 4
o4 : Matrix R <-- R
i5 : I = minors(3, M+transpose(M));
o5 : Ideal of R
i6 : V = Proj(R/I);
i7 : genus V
o7 = 0