Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » VectorGraphics :: TransformMatrix
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TransformMatrix -- Create a rotation matrix


An option to rotate the coordinates of the GraphicsObject. Must be a 4x4 matrix (projective coordinates).

i1 : a=Polygon{{[-1,0],[1,0.1],[1,-0.1]},"fill"=>"red"}

o1 = a

o1 : Polygon
i2 : gList(a,a++{TransformMatrix=>rotation(2*pi/3)})

o2 = GraphicsList{cache => CacheTable{}                                                                                                    }
                  Contents => {a, Polygon{cache => CacheTable{}                                                                          }}
                                          PointList => {GraphicsCoordinate | -1 |, GraphicsCoordinate |  1 |, GraphicsCoordinate |  1  |}
                                                                           |  0 |                     | .1 |                     | -.1 |
                                                                           |  0 |                     |  0 |                     |  0  |
                                                                           |  1 |                     |  1 |                     |  1  |
                                          style => MutableHashTable{...1...}
                                          TransformMatrix => | -.5     -.866025 0 0 |
                                                             | .866025 -.5      0 0 |
                                                             | 0       0        1 0 |
                                                             | 0       0        0 1 |
                  style => MutableHashTable{}

o2 : GraphicsList

For the programmer

The object TransformMatrix is a symbol.