Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » WeylGroups :: poincareSeries(RootSystem,Parabolic,RingElement)
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poincareSeries(RootSystem,Parabolic,RingElement) -- the generating series of a quotient of the Weyl group by length



i1 : R=rootSystemA(3)

o1 = RootSystem{...8...}

o1 : RootSystem
i2 : P=parabolic(R,set{1,2})

o2 = set {1, 2}

o2 : Parabolic
i3 : ZZ[x]

o3 = ZZ[x]

o3 : PolynomialRing
i4 : poincareSeries(R,P,x)

      3    2
o4 = x  + x  + x + 1

o4 : ZZ[x]

Ways to use this method: