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Packages » gfanInterface :: gfanTropicalRank
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gfanTropicalRank -- the tropical rank of a matrix



This method computes the tropical rank of matrix. The output is a pair whose first coordinate is the rank and whose second coordinate is a string describing how the rank was computed.

i1 : (R,S) = gfanTropicalRank matrix {{1,2},{1,2}};
i2 : R

o2 = 1
i3 : S

o3 = 1x1 picks monomial: true, meaning that rank is > 0
     2x2 picks monomial: false, meaning that rank is <= 1

gfan Documentation

This program will compute the tropical rank of matrix given as input. Tropical addition is MAXIMUM.
 Compute Kapranov rank instead of tropical rank.
 Compute the tropical determinant instead.

Ways to use gfanTropicalRank :

For the programmer

The object gfanTropicalRank is a method function with options.