i1 : A = QQ<|a,b,c|>
o1 = A
o1 : FreeAlgebra
i2 : I = ideal {a*b+b*a,a*c+c*a,b*c+c*b}
o2 = ideal (a*b + b*a, a*c + c*a, b*c + c*b)
o2 : Ideal of A
i3 : B = A/I
Warning: F4 Algorithm not available over current coefficient ring or inhomogeneous ideal.
Converting to Naive algorithm.
o3 = B
o3 : FreeAlgebraQuotient
i4 : sigma = map(B,B,{b,c,a})
o4 = map (B, B, {b, c, a})
o4 : RingMap B <-- B
i5 : C = oreExtension(B,sigma,w)
Warning: F4 Algorithm not available over current coefficient ring or inhomogeneous ideal.
Converting to Naive algorithm.
o5 = C
o5 : FreeAlgebraQuotient
i6 : isCentral w
o6 = false
i7 : isNormal w
o7 = true