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Packages » Bertini :: bertiniUserHomotopy
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bertiniUserHomotopy -- a main method to track a user-defined homotopy



This method calls Bertini to track a user-defined homotopy. The user needs to specify the homotopy H, the path variable t, and a list of start solutions S1. Bertini (1) writes the homotopy and start solutions to temporary files, (2) invokes Bertini's solver with configuration keyword UserHomotopy => 2, (3) stores the output of Bertini in a temporary file, and (4) parses a machine readable file to output a list of solutions.

i1 : R = CC[x,a,t]; -- include the path variable in the ring
i2 : H = { (x^2-1)*a + (x^2-2)*(1-a)};
i3 : sol1 = point {{1}};
i4 : sol2 = point {{-1}};
i5 : S1= { sol1, sol2  };--solutions to H when t=1
i6 : S0 = bertiniUserHomotopy (t,{a=>t}, H, S1) --solutions to H when t=0

o6 = {{1.41421}, {-1.41421}}

o6 : List
i7 : peek S0_0

o7 = Point{cache => CacheTable{...14...}}
           Coordinates => {1.41421}
i8 : R=CC[x,y,t,a]; -- include the path variable in the ring
i9 : f1=(x^2-y^2);
i10 : f2=(2*x^2-3*x*y+5*y^2);
i11 : H = { f1*a + f2*(1-a)}; --H is a list of polynomials in x,y,t
i12 : sol1=    point{{1,1}}--{{x,y}} coordinates

o12 = sol1

o12 : Point
i13 : sol2=    point{{ -1,1}}

o13 = sol2

o13 : Point
i14 : S1={sol1,sol2}--solutions to H when t=1

o14 = {sol1, sol2}

o14 : List
i15 : S0=bertiniUserHomotopy(t,{a=>t}, H, S1, HomVariableGroup=>{x,y}) --solutions to H when t=0

o15 = {{1, .3+.556776*ii}, {1, .3-.556776*ii}}

o15 : List

Ways to use bertiniUserHomotopy:

For the programmer

The object bertiniUserHomotopy is a method function with options.