Binomials is a package for binomial ideals with a particular focus on intersection decompositions and associated primes. For instance, if the input is a unital binomial ideal (that is generated by monomials and differences of monomials) then the function
binomialPrimaryDecompositioncomputes a primary decomposition into binomial ideals. To this end a cyclotomic field extension of the coefficient field may be necessary which is automatically constructed using the package
Binomials also implements the data type
partialCharacter (see [ES96]) and several convenience functions to transform binomials into exponent vectors and vice versa. Those may be useful for manual inspection of binomial ideals.There is no special datatype for binomial ideals implemented, one just uses
[ES96] Binomial ideals (D. Eisenbud, B.Sturmfels, 1996).
[DMM10] Combinatorics of binomial primary decomposition (A. Dickenstein, L. Matusevich, E.Miller, 2010)
[OS00] Cellular Binomial Ideals. Primary Decomposition of Binomial Ideals (I. Ojeda, R. Piedra-Sanchez, 2000)
[Alt00] The chain property for the associated primes of A-graded ideals (K. Altmann, 2000)
[KM11] Decompositions of commutative monoid congruences and binomial ideals (T. Kahle, E. Miller, 2011)