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Packages » Cremona :: toExternalString(RationalMap)
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toExternalString(RationalMap) -- convert to a readable string



All internal data of the input are included in the returned string.

i1 : phi = (specialCubicTransformation(2,ZZ/33331))!;

o1 : RationalMap (cubic birational map from PP^3 to hypersurface in PP^4)
i2 : str = toExternalString phi;
i3 : #str

o3 = 6927
i4 : time phi' = value str;
 -- used 0.0199782s (cpu); 0.0192169s (thread); 0s (gc)

o4 : RationalMap (cubic birational map from PP^3 to hypersurface in PP^4)
i5 : time describe phi'
 -- used 0.00487199s (cpu); 0.00526896s (thread); 0s (gc)

o5 = rational map defined by forms of degree 3
     source variety: PP^3
     target variety: smooth quadric hypersurface in PP^4
     dominance: true
     birationality: true (the inverse map is already calculated)
     projective degrees: {1, 3, 4, 2}
     number of minimal representatives: 1
     dimension base locus: 1
     degree base locus: 5
     coefficient ring: ZZ/33331
i6 : time describe inverse phi'
 -- used 0.00331101s (cpu); 0.00384624s (thread); 0s (gc)

o6 = rational map defined by forms of degree 2
     source variety: smooth quadric hypersurface in PP^4
     target variety: PP^3
     dominance: true
     birationality: true (the inverse map is already calculated)
     projective degrees: {2, 4, 3, 1}
     number of minimal representatives: 1
     dimension base locus: 1
     degree base locus: 5
     coefficient ring: ZZ/33331

Ways to use this method: