getGenerators(...,Verbosity=>...) -- Option to specify the maximum degree to look for generators when computing the deviations
- Usage:
Further information
Default value: 0
Function: getGenerators -- Returns a list of cycles whose images generate HH(A) as an algebra
Option key: Verbosity -- an optional argument
Functions with optional argument named Verbosity:
getGenerators(...,Verbosity=>...) -- Option to specify the maximum degree to look for generators when computing the deviations
homologyAlgebra(...,Verbosity=>...) -- Option to specify the maximum degree to look for generators when computing the deviations
icFracP(...,Verbosity=>...) -- Prints out the conductor element and the number of intermediate modules it computed.
idealizer(...,Verbosity=>...) -- see idealizer -- compute Hom(I,I) as a quotient ring
integralClosure(...,Verbosity=>...) -- display a certain amount of detail about the computation
isPrime(Ideal,Verbosity=>...) -- see isPrime(Ideal) -- whether an ideal is prime
makeS2(...,Verbosity=>...) -- see makeS2 -- compute the S2ification of a reduced ring
decompose(Ideal,Verbosity=>...) -- see minimalPrimes -- minimal primes of an ideal
minimalPrimes(...,Verbosity=>...) -- see minimalPrimes -- minimal primes of an ideal
ringFromFractions(...,Verbosity=>...) -- see ringFromFractions -- find presentation for f.g. ring