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Packages » Divisor :: clearCache
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clearCache -- creates a new divisor with most entries from the cache removed



This function returns a divisor where the only entries left in the cache is the key ideals (which points to how the ideals should be displayed to the user).

i1 : R = QQ[x,y,z];
i2 : D = divisor(x);

o2 : WeilDivisor on R
i3 : isPrincipal(D)

o3 = true
i4 : peek (D#cache)

o4 = CacheTable{ideals => MutableHashTable{...1...}}
                isPrincipal => {false, true}
                divisorToModule => R
i5 : E = clearCache(D);

o5 : WeilDivisor on R
i6 : peek (E#cache)

o6 = CacheTable{ideals => MutableHashTable{...1...}}

Ways to use clearCache:

For the programmer

The object clearCache is a method function.