Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » Divisor :: getPrimeDivisors
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getPrimeDivisors -- get the list of prime divisors of a given divisor



This function returns the list of prime divisors of a given divisor. The prime divisors are all of the class WeilDivisor. If you do not call cleanSupport, you may obtain divisors with zero coefficients.

i1 : R = QQ[x, y, z];
i2 : D = divisor({-8, 2, 0}, {ideal(x), ideal(y), ideal(x^2+z)})

o2 = 2*Div(y) + 0*Div(x^2+z) + -8*Div(x)

o2 : WeilDivisor on R
i3 : getPrimeDivisors( D )

o3 = {Div(y), Div(x^2+z), Div(x)}

o3 : List
i4 : getPrimeDivisors( cleanSupport D )

o4 = {Div(y), Div(x)}

o4 : List

Ways to use getPrimeDivisors:

For the programmer

The object getPrimeDivisors is a method function.