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Packages » EagonResolution :: Display
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Display -- Option for eagonBeta, default is "picture"



if Display=>"picture" then picture is invoked; if Display =>"DisplayBlocks" then a net with the matrices (the "blocks") is produced.

i1 : R = ZZ/101[x,y,z]/ideal"x3,y3,z3"

o1 = R

o1 : QuotientRing
i2 : E = eagon(R,5);
i3 : eagonBeta(E,3)

o3 = |       |(1, {1})|
     |(2, {})|    *   |
i4 : eagonBeta(E,3,Display =>"DisplayBlocks")

o4 = |       |             (1, {1})             |
     |(2, {})|{2} | 0 -y2 0   x2 0 0   0  0  0 ||
     |       |{2} | 0 0   -z2 0  0 0   x2 0  0 ||
     |       |{2} | 0 0   0   0  0 -z2 0  y2 0 ||

See also

Functions with optional argument named Display:

For the programmer

The object Display is a symbol.