initialYForms(I, y)
Let $y$ be a variable of the polynomial ring $R = k[x_1,\ldots,x_n]$. A monomial ordering $<$ on $R$ is said to be $y$-compatible if the initial term of $f$ satisfies ${\rm in}_<(f) = {\rm in}_<({\rm in}_y(f))$ for all $f \in R$. Here, ${\rm in}_y(f)$ is the initial $y$-form of $f$, that is, if $f = \sum_i \alpha_iy^i$ and $\alpha_d \neq 0$ but $\alpha_t = 0$ for all $t >d$, then ${\rm in}_y(f) = \alpha_d y^d$. We set ${\rm in}_y(I) = \langle {\rm in}_y(f) ~|~ f \in I \rangle$ to be the ideal generated by all the initial $y$-forms in $I$
This routine computes the ideal of initial $y$-forms ${\rm in}_y(I)$.
For more on the definition of initial $y$-forms or their corresponding ideals, see [KMY, Section 2.1]. The following example is [KR, Example 2.16].
[KMY] Allen Knutson, Ezra Miller, and Alexander Yong. Gröbner geometry of vertex decompositions and of flagged tableaux. J. Reine Angew. Math. 630 (2009) 1–31.
[KR] Patricia Klein and Jenna Rajchgot. Geometric vertex decomposition and liaison. Forum Math. Sigma, 9 (2021) e70:1-23.
The object initialYForms is a method function with options.