The symbol SPACE is used as notation for multiplication by scalars. The scalars belong to L#Field, which must be the same as M#Field, where $d: M\ \to\ L$. If the field is not QQ, then the scalars are of type RingElement. If the field is QQ, then the scalars are of type Number, see Number LieDerivation.
i1 : F = toField(ZZ/7[x]/{x^2+1})
o1 = F
o1 : PolynomialRing
i2 : M = lieAlgebra({a,b},Field=>F)
o2 = M
o2 : LieAlgebra
i3 : L = lieAlgebra({a,b},Field=>F)
o3 = L
o3 : LieAlgebra
i4 : f = map(L,M,{x a,3 b})
o4 = f
o4 : LieAlgebraMap
i5 : d = lieDerivation(f,{-x b,-2 a})
o5 = d
o5 : LieDerivation
i6 : describe (3*x) d
o6 = a => (3)b
b => (x)a
map => f
sign => 0
weight => {0, 0}
source => M
target => L