Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » GraphicalModelsMLE :: solverMLE(...,ConcentrationMatrix=>...)
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solverMLE(...,ConcentrationMatrix=>...) -- output MLE for concentration matrix instead of MLE for covariance matrix



By default, solverMLE outputs the MLE for the covariance matrix. By providing true as the value for the option solverMLE(...,ConcentrationMatrix=>...), solverMLE provides the MLE for the concentration matrix.

Note that both the maximum value attained in the log-likelihood function and the ML-degree remain the same.

i1 : G= mixedGraph(graph{{a,b},{b,c}},digraph {{a,d},{c,e},{f,g}},bigraph {{d,e}})

o1 = MixedGraph{Bigraph => Bigraph{d => {e}}}
                                   e => {d}
                Digraph => Digraph{a => {d}}
                                   c => {e}
                                   d => {}
                                   e => {}
                                   f => {g}
                                   g => {}
                Graph => Graph{a => {b}   }
                               b => {a, c}
                               c => {b}

o1 : MixedGraph
i2 : solverMLE (G, random(QQ^7,QQ^7))

o2 = (-8.88546, | 1.76276   -.132596  .0588765 1.19122   -.0121464 0       
                | -.132596  .406406   -.180456 -.0896046 .0372285  0       
                | .0588765  -.180456  4.53915  .0397869  -.93644   0       
                | 1.19122   -.0896046 .0397869 4.6897    5.61757   0       
                | -.0121464 .0372285  -.93644  5.61757   9.69158   0       
                | 0         0         0        0         0         2.42434 
                | 0         0         0        0         0         -.115437
     0        |, 5)
     0        |
     0        |
     0        |
     0        |
     -.115437 |
     .171669  |

o2 : Sequence
i3 : solverMLE (G, random(QQ^7,QQ^7), ConcentrationMatrix=>true)

o3 = (-6.95349, | 2.63818  .250925  -.421645 1.01192  .164301  0       
                | .250925  .493839  .0300089 0        0        0       
                | -.421645 .0300089 6.42505  -.309127 -.386315 0       
                | 1.01192  0        -.309127 .741884  .120456  0       
                | .164301  0        -.386315 .120456  .150534  0       
                | 0        0        0        0        0        2.54322 
                | 0        0        0        0        0        -2.42347
     0        |, 5)
     0        |
     0        |
     0        |
     0        |
     -2.42347 |
     3.70744  |

o3 : Sequence

Further information

See also

Functions with optional argument named ConcentrationMatrix: