idealizer(...,Variable=>...) -- Sets the name of the indexed variables introduced in computing the endomorphism ring Hom(J,J).
Further information
Default value: w
Function: idealizer -- compute Hom(I,I) as a quotient ring
Option key: Variable -- specify a name for a variable
Functions with optional argument named Variable:
conwayPolynomial(...,Variable=>...) (missing documentation)
GF(...,Variable=>...) -- see GF -- make a finite field
Grassmannian(...,Variable=>...) -- see Grassmannian(ZZ,ZZ) -- the Grassmannian of linear subspaces of a vector space
idealizer(...,Variable=>...) -- Sets the name of the indexed variables introduced in computing the endomorphism ring Hom(J,J).
integralClosure(...,Variable=>...) -- set the base letter for the indexed variables introduced while computing the integral closure
intersectInP(...,Variable=>...) -- see intersectInP(...,BasisElementLimit=>...) -- Option for intersectInP
multiplicity(...,Variable=>...) -- see intersectInP(...,BasisElementLimit=>...) -- Option for intersectInP
makeS2(...,Variable=>...) -- Sets the name of the indexed variables introduced in computing the S2-ification.
ringFromFractions(...,Variable=>...) -- see ringFromFractions -- find presentation for f.g. ring
Schubert(...,Variable=>...) -- see Schubert(ZZ,ZZ,VisibleList) -- find the Plücker ideal of a Schubert variety
associatedGradedRing(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
distinguished(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
isReduction(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
jacobianDual(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
normalCone(Ideal,RingElement,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
normalCone(Ideal,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
reesAlgebra(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
reesIdeal(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
specialFiber(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
specialFiberIdeal(...,Variable=>...) -- see symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring
symmetricKernel(...,Variable=>...) -- Choose name for variables in the created ring