Compute Kustin-Miller resolution of the unprojection of I in J (or equivalently of the image J' of J in R/I) with unprojection variable T.
We have the following setup:
Assume R is a PolynomialRing over a field, the degrees of all variables positive and $I \subset J \subset R$ two homogeneous ideals of R such that R/I and R/J are Gorenstein and dim(R/J)=dim(R/I)-1.
Let R/I(k_1) and R/J(k_2) be the canonical modules of R/I and R/J respectively. We require k_1 - k_2, that is, the degree of the unprojection variable, to be positive.
For a description of this resolution and how it is computed see
J. Boehm, S. Papadakis: Implementing the Kustin-Miller complex construction, http://arxiv.org/abs/1103.2314
It is also possible to specify minimal resolutions of I and J.
The function kustinMillerComplex returns a chain complex over a new polynomial ring S with the same coefficientRing as R and the variables of R and W, where degree(T) = degree unprojectionHomomorphism(I,J) = k_1-k_2.
To avoid printing the variables of this ring when printing the chain complex just give a name to the ring (e.g., do S = ring cc to call it S).
We illustrate the Kustin-Miller complex construction at the example described in Section 5.5 of
Papadakis, Kustin-Miller unprojection with complexes, J. Algebraic Geometry 13 (2004) 249-268, http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0111195
The object kustinMillerComplex is a method function with options.