Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » Macaulay2Doc :: applyTable
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applyTable -- apply a function to each element of a table



i1 : t = table({1,3,5,7}, {0,1,2,4}, (i,j) -> i^j);
i2 : netList t

o2 = |1|1|1 |1   |
     |1|3|9 |81  |
     |1|5|25|625 |
i3 : netList applyTable(t, i -> 2*i)

o3 = |2|2 |2 |2   |
     |2|6 |18|162 |
i4 : netList applyTable(t, isPrime)

o4 = |false|false|false|false|
     |false|true |false|false|
     |false|true |false|false|
     |false|true |false|false|

See also

For the programmer

The object applyTable is a function closure.