When both arguments are integers, the return value is a string representation of the first argument in the base given by the second argument.
Bases from 2 to 62 are supported. If newbase is between 11 and 36, then the digits representing 10 through newbase - 1 are the lowercase letters.
If newbase is between 37 and 62, then the digits representing 10 through 35 are uppercase letters and the digits representing 36 through newbase - 1 are lowercase letters.
If the first argument is a string, then we get the inverse operation, i.e., the ZZ object that the string represents in the given base.
Uppercase letters are also allowed when oldbase is between 11 and 36, as there is no ambiguity.
If oldbase is 0, then the base is determined by the standard C prefix, i.e., 0b or 0B for binary, 0 for octal, 0x or 0X for hexadecimal, and no prefix for decimal.
If a string and two integer arguments are given, then the integer represented by the string is converted from one base to another, returning a string.
The object changeBase is a method function.