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Packages » MatrixSchubert :: initialIdealsList
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initialIdealsList -- lists all antidiagonal initial ideals of ASMs of a fixed size



For $3 \leq n \leq 6$, this function lists all antidiagonal initial ideals for ASMs of size $n$.

i1 : initialIdealsList 3

o1 = {ideal 0, monomialIdeal z   , monomialIdeal(z   z   ), monomialIdeal
                              1,1                 1,2 2,1                
     (z   , z   z   ), monomialIdeal (z   , z   ), monomialIdeal (z   ,
       1,1   1,2 2,1                   1,1   1,2                   1,1 
     z   ), monomialIdeal (z   , z   , z   )}
      2,1                   1,1   1,2   2,1

o1 : List

Ways to use initialIdealsList:

For the programmer

The object initialIdealsList is a method function.