elementaryQuotient(M, L)
This function is provided by the package Matroids.
An elementary quotient a matroid M is a matroid on the same ground set that is a quotient matroid of M having rank equal to the rank of M minus one. Every elementary quotient is completely determined by a modular cut of flats of M. See isModularCut for more details about modular cuts. The elementary quotient of M corresponding to a modular cut K is the extension of M by a single element e associated to K followed by the contraction of the set {e}.
Equivalently since, a modular cut K of the matroid M is completely determined by a collection of hyperplanes of M called a linear subclass, we can form an elementary quotient by specifying a much shorter list of hyperplanes as follows. See isLinearSubclass for more details about linear subclasses.
The object elementaryQuotient is a method function with options.