For a matroid M on a ground set E, and k >= 1, a (2-)partition (X, E - X) of E(M) is called a k-separation of M if |X| >= k, |E - X| >= k, and rank(X) + rank(E - X) - rank(M) <= k-1. The separation is called minimal if either |X| = k or |E - X| = k.
This method computes a k-separation of M, if one exists. If no k-separation of M exists, then null is returned.
Efficiency is achieved by using special structure of k-separations: if (X, E - X) is a minimal k-separation (and no m-separation with m < k exists) with |X| = k, then X is either an independent cocircuit or a coindependent circuit. On the other hand, if (X, E - X) is a nonminimal separation with |E - X| minimal, then X is both a flat and a coflat. In particular, if the ranks of all flats have been previously computed (e.g. via fVector), then this method should finish quickly.
For k = 1, it is generally more efficient to use components and isConnected than this method.
The object getSeparation is a method function.