monodromySolve -- the main function of the MonodromySolver package
Optional inputs:
AugmentEdgeCount => ..., default value 0,
AugmentGraphFunction => ..., default value null,
AugmentNodeCount => ..., default value 0,
AugmentNumberOfRepeats => ..., default value null,
BatchSize => ..., default value infinity,
EdgesSaturated => ..., default value false,
Equivalencer (missing documentation)
=> ..., default value null,
FilterCondition (missing documentation)
=> ..., default value null,
GraphInitFunction => ..., default value completeGraphInit,
new tracking routine
NumberOfEdges => ..., default value null,
NumberOfNodes => ..., default value null,
NumberOfRepeats => ..., default value 10,
PointArrayTol (missing documentation)
=> ..., default value .0001,
Potential => ..., default value null,
Randomizer (missing documentation)
=> ..., default value null,
SelectEdgeAndDirection => ..., default value selectFirstEdgeAndDirection,
StoppingCriterion => ..., default value null,
TargetSolutionCount => ..., default value null,
Verbose => ..., default value false,
Ways to use monodromySolve :