i1 : X = random({2,1},point PP_(ZZ/101)^{2,1});
o1 : ProjectiveVariety, surface in PP^2 x PP^1
i2 : singularLocus X
o2 = empty subscheme of PP^2 x PP^1
o2 : ProjectiveVariety, empty subscheme of PP^2 x PP^1
i3 : Y = X + random({1,1},0_X);
o3 : ProjectiveVariety, surface in PP^2 x PP^1
i4 : singularLocus Y
o4 = curve in PP^2 x PP^1 cut out by 3 hypersurfaces of multi-degrees (1,1)^1 (2,1)^1 (3,0)^1
o4 : ProjectiveVariety, curve in PP^2 x PP^1