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Packages » Normaliz :: readNmzData
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readNmzData -- reads an output file of Normaliz containing one matrix



Reads an output file of Normaliz containing an integer matrix and returns it as a Matrix, whose rows contains the data computed (in contrast to the convention used in M2). To read the .inv file, use getNumInvs. The filename is created from the current filename specified by the user and the suffix given to the function. The possible suffixes depend on the input and the computation mode. The computation mode is controlled via the options, see setNmzOption. For the possible output files see output files written by Normaliz. For more details we refer to the documentation of Normaliz available as pdf file at
i1 : nmzFilename="example" -- to keep the files

o1 = example
i2 : setNmzOption("allf",true); -- to write all files
i3 : mat=matrix({{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,10}});

              3       3
o3 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i4 : normaliz(mat,"integral_closure")

o4 = RationalCone{"gen" => | 1 2 3  |                                     }
                           | 2 3 4  |
                           | 3 4 5  |
                           | 4 5 6  |
                           | 7 8 10 |
                  "inv" => HashTable{"" => (1, 1, 1)                     }
                                     "class group" => (0, 3)
                                     "degree 1 elements" => 5
                                     "dim max subspace" => 0
                                     "embedding dim" => 3
                                     "external index" => 1
                                     "graded" => true
                                     "grading denom" => 1
                                     "grading" => (-1, 1, 0)
                                     "hilbert basis elements" => 5
                                     "hilbert quasipolynomial denom" => 2
                                     "hilbert series denom" => (1, 1, 1)
                                     "hilbert series num" => (1, 2)
                                     "inhomogeneous" => false
                                     "integrally closed" => false
                                     "internal index" => 3
                                     "multiplicity denom" => 1
                                     "multiplicity" => 3
                                     "number extreme rays" => 3
                                     "number support hyperplanes" => 3
                                     "rank" => 3
                                     "size triangulation" => 1
                                     "sum dets" => 3

o4 : RationalCone
i5 : readNmzData "typ"

o5 = | 0 3 0 |
     | 1 2 0 |
     | 2 1 0 |
     | 3 0 0 |
     | 0 0 1 |

              5       3
o5 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i6 : rmNmzFiles();

See also

Ways to use readNmzData:

For the programmer

The object readNmzData is a method function.