Normaliz prints the Hilbert basis and some auxiliary data as, e.g., the support hyperplanes, into files. When
Normaliz is called within the package Normaliz, all the files created are deleted at the end of the function call by default. Sometimes it is desirable to keep these results for later use. To switch the file handling from "delete" to "keep", a filename has to be specified in the global variable
i1 : nmzFilename="polytope";
i2 : setNmzOption("allf",true);
i3 : R=ZZ/37[x,y,z];
i4 : ehrhartRing {x^0,x^2,y^3,z^5};
Now all the files created by
Normaliz are saved as
polytope.suffix. The generators of the integral closure are in the file with suffix
gen, and the functions of the package return always the content of this file. The support hyperplanes, the defining equations and congruences are printed into the file with suffix
cst. For more suffixes see
output files written by Normaliz. Use
readNmzData to read the files into Macaulay 2 provided they have been written, except for the suffix
cst you should use
readMultipleNmzData as there are several matrices in this file. Which files are written depends on the input data and on the "computation mode" which is determined by the options set, here the option
allf means that all possible data is written. For more options see
i5 : extremeRays=readNmzData "ext"
o5 = | 0 0 0 1 |
| 0 0 5 1 |
| 0 3 0 1 |
| 2 0 0 1 |
4 4
o5 : Matrix ZZ <-- ZZ
i6 : constraints=readMultipleNmzData "cst"
o6 = {| -15 -10 -6 30 |, | 0 |, | 0 |, | 0 0 0 1 |}
| 0 0 1 0 | | 4 | | 5 |
| 0 1 0 0 |
| 1 0 0 0 |
o6 : List
The filename is kept during the Macaulay 2 process until another filename is specified.
i7 : nmzFilename="square";
i8 : nmzFilename=""; -- deletes the filename
The files are kept beyond the Macaulay 2 process. To delete them call the function
rmNmzFiles. Assure yourself that the right filename is specified before calling the function! This function also resets
nmzFilename to the empty string.
i9 : nmzFilename="polytope";
i10 : rmNmzFiles();
i11 : nmzFilename
o11 =
If you want to change the directory where the files are saved (default is the current directory) you have two possibilities. If you want work in the same directory most of the time, you can define this in a file "start.m2" in the current directory and add a line in "init.m2" such that it is read when starting Macaulay 2. If you want to switch between directories more frequently, you can specify the directory in the global variable