The user can specify a filename in the global variable nmzFilename to switch the file handling from "delete" to "keep". Note that the files written by
Normaliz are not removed automatically if nmzFilename is not the empty string. Use
rmNmzFiles to remove these files manually.
i1 : nmzFilename="polytope";
i2 : setNmzOption("allf",true);
i3 : R=ZZ/37[x,y,z];
i4 : hb=intclToricRing {x^2,y^2,z^2};
i5 : extremalRays=readNmzData "ext"
o5 = | 0 0 1 |
| 0 1 0 |
| 1 0 0 |
3 3
o5 : Matrix ZZ <-- ZZ
i6 : rmNmzFiles();
i7 : nmzFilename
o7 =