Macaulay2 » Documentation
Packages » Normaliz :: writeNmzData(Matrix,String)
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writeNmzData(Matrix,String) -- creates an input file for Normaliz with one matrix



This function creates an input file for Normaliz with a single input matrix and its type. If no filename has been specified, an error occurs.

i1 : nmzFilename="example"; -- to keep the files
i2 : mat=matrix({{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,10}})

o2 = | 1 2 3  |
     | 4 5 6  |
     | 7 8 10 |

              3       3
o2 : Matrix ZZ  <-- ZZ
i3 : writeNmzData(mat,"normalization")

o3 =

o3 : File
i4 : get ("")

o4 = 3
     1 2 3 
     4 5 6 
     7 8 10 
i5 : rmNmzFiles();

See also

Ways to use this method: