This function prints a series of commands that check that most semigroups of genus g (up to g = 10) are Weierstrass. It outputs a short list of "difficult" examples that currently take too long to check.
With the option Verbose=>true one gets timings on various parts of the computation. To check all semigroups of genus g=8,9 and 10 takes about
18.2, 161.1 and 945.6 seconds respectively.
Since the number of cases gets rather large, we break up the list of all semigroups into sublists of semigroups of given multiplicity and call the function nonWeierstrassSemigroups:
In the verbose mode we get timings of various computation steps and further information. The first line, (13,1), indicates that there 13 semigroups of multiplicity 5 and genus 8 of which only 1 is not flagged as smoothable by the function knownExample. The second line, {5,8,11,12}, gives the current semigroup. The timing under various headers tells how much time was used in each of the steps.
The first integer, 6, tells that in this attempt deformation parameters of degree >= 6 were used and no smooth fiber was found. Finally with all parameters of degree >= 4, the flatteningRelations define a scheme that decomposes into 2 components, both affine spaces. If we encounter non affine components we print "has to solve", and find a point in each such component. We then print the number of singular points in the fiber. Finally the output "{0,-1}" is the dimension of the singular loci of a random fiber over each component. Thus the entry "-1" indicates that a general fiber of the second component is smooth.
The object LabBookProtocol is a method function.