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makeUnfolding -- Makes the universal homogeneous unfolding of an ideal with positive degree parameters



Given a (quasi)homogeneous ideal in a ring S = kk[x_0..x_n] the function creates a positively graded polynomial ring A = kk[a_{i,j}] and computes the unfolding of I as an ideal of SA = kk[x_0..x_n, a_{i,j}]. This can be used as a step in computing the semi-universal deformation of the affine cone defined by I.

In the case of

makeUnfolding sgrp

the routine first forms the ideal of the semigroup ring, and applies makeUnfolding to this.

i1 : L={4,5,7}

o1 = {4, 5, 7}

o1 : List
i2 : I := semigroupIdeal L;

o2 : Ideal of ----[x ..x , x ]
              1009  0   1   3
i3 : (A,unfolding):= makeUnfolding I;
i4 : S=ring I

o4 = S

o4 : PolynomialRing
i5 : fI=res I

      1      3      2
o5 = S  <-- S  <-- S  <-- 0
     0      1      2      3

o5 : ChainComplex
i6 : degs=flatten (gens A/degree)

o6 = {15, 14, 12, 11, 10, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3,
     3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1}

o6 : List
i7 : n=floor(max degs/2+3)

o7 = 10
i8 : restricted=ideal select(gens A, y-> (degree y)_0<n);

o8 : Ideal of ----[a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a       , a      , a      ]
              1009  {2, 0}   {1, 0}   {0, 0}   {2, 1}   {2, 2}   {1, 1}   {1, 2}   {2, 3}   {0, 1}   {2, 4}   {1, 3}   {0, 2}   {2, 5}   {1, 4}   {2, 6}   {1, 5}   {0, 3}   {2, 7}   {1, 6}   {0, 4}   {2, 8}   {1, 7}   {0, 5}   {2, 9}   {1, 8}   {0, 6}   {2, 10}   {1, 9}   {0, 7}
i9 : SA=ring unfolding

o9 = SA

o9 : PolynomialRing
i10 : runfolding=unfolding%sub(restricted,SA);

               1       3
o10 : Matrix SA  <-- SA
i11 : transpose runfolding

o11 = {-12} | x_0^3-x_1x_3+a_{0, 0}                           |
      {-14} | x_0x_1^2-x_3^2+a_{1, 0}+x_0a_{1, 1}             |
      {-15} | x_1^3-x_0^2x_3+a_{2, 0}+x_0a_{2, 1}+x_1a_{2, 2} |

               3       1
o11 : Matrix SA  <-- SA
i12 : J=flatteningRelations(I,A,runfolding);

o12 : Ideal of ----[a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a       , a      , a      ]
               1009  {2, 0}   {1, 0}   {0, 0}   {2, 1}   {2, 2}   {1, 1}   {1, 2}   {2, 3}   {0, 1}   {2, 4}   {1, 3}   {0, 2}   {2, 5}   {1, 4}   {2, 6}   {1, 5}   {0, 3}   {2, 7}   {1, 6}   {0, 4}   {2, 8}   {1, 7}   {0, 5}   {2, 9}   {1, 8}   {0, 6}   {2, 10}   {1, 9}   {0, 7}
i13 : cJ=decompose J;#cJ

o14 = 1
i15 : ideal prune (A/J)

o15 = ideal ()

o15 : Ideal of ----[a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a      , a       , a      , a      ]
               1009  {1, 1}   {1, 2}   {2, 3}   {0, 1}   {2, 4}   {1, 3}   {0, 2}   {2, 5}   {1, 4}   {2, 6}   {1, 5}   {0, 3}   {2, 7}   {1, 6}   {0, 4}   {2, 8}   {1, 7}   {0, 5}   {2, 9}   {1, 8}   {0, 6}   {2, 10}   {1, 9}   {0, 7}
i16 : family=runfolding%sub(J,SA);

               1       3
o16 : Matrix SA  <-- SA

This is a flat family!

i17 : betti res ideal family == betti res I

o17 = true
i18 : fiber=ideal sub(family,vars S|random(S^1,S^(numgens A)));

o18 : Ideal of S
i19 : singFiber=radical ideal gens gb (fiber+minors(codim I,jacobian fiber))

o19 = ideal 1

o19 : Ideal of S

Thus the family is a smoothing of S/I so the semigroup L in the example is a Weierstrass semigroup by Pinkham's thesis.

See also

Ways to use makeUnfolding:

For the programmer

The object makeUnfolding is a method function with options.