Using Normaliz we compute the face of the Kunz cone containing L. In case of allSemigroups m the output describes the complete Kunz cone of all semigroups of multiplicity m.
On the face with the buchweitz example there are two facet rays:
The first row of H is 13*(mu buchweitz 0), the mu vector of the Buchweitz example. Adding multiples of the first row to the Weierstrass semigroups of an ordinary point on a curve of genus 12, we eventually reach a semigroup that fails the Buchweitz test to be a Weierstrass semigroup:
By Riemann-Roch the quantity 3*(genus L' -1)-#sums(G,G) is non-negative for Weierstrass semigroups. We conjecture that the same thing is true for any semigroup L0 of multiplicity 13 in place of L. Here is a "random" example:
The object allSemigroups is a method function.