Uses the Fourier-Motzkin algorithm to go from the coneEquations satisfied by the semigroup to the rays. For example, in multiplicity 3, the cone has two rays, occupied by the semigroups semigroup{3,4} and semigroup{3,5}, with semigroup{3,4,5} in the interior. The rays are given in reduced form (a vector of positive integers with gcd 1), and appear as the columns of the output matrix.
On the face with the buchweitz example there are two facet rays:
The second column is mu buchweitz 0, the mu vector of the Buchweitz example. Adding multiples of it to the Weierstrass semigroups ordinary point of genus 12, we eventually reach a semigroup that fails the Buchweitz test to be a Weierstrass semigroup:
We conjecture that the same phenomen for any semigroup L0 of multiplicity 13 in place of L. Here is a "random" example:
The object facetRays is a method function.