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Packages » PlaneCurveLinearSeries :: ShowBase
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ShowBase -- Option for @TO linearSeries@



The linear series computed for a plane curve is given as a matrix of forms of a certain degree in the ideal of the curve; Each form vanishes at a divisor PLUS a fixed locus, in common to all the forms but not necessarily equal to their intersection (unless the linear series to be computed is base-point free).

i1 : C = ZZ/19[a,b,c]/(ideal"a5+b5-c5")

o1 = C

o1 : QuotientRing
i2 : geometricGenus C == 6

o2 = true
i3 : p = fromCoordinates({0,1,1}, C)

o3 = ideal (a, - b + c)

o3 : Ideal of C
i4 : (ls, B) = linearSeries(p^6, p^3, ShowBase => true)

                             2           2   2     2
o4 = (| b2-2bc+c2 |, ideal (b  - 2b*c + c , a b - a c))

o4 : Sequence

See also

Functions with optional argument named ShowBase:

For the programmer

The object ShowBase is a symbol.