I = projectiveImage Dplus
I = projectiveImage (Dplus, Dminus)
I = projectiveImage (DplusList, DminusList, C)
I = projectiveImage (DplusList, C)
The output ideal is the ideal of polynomial relations among the generators of the linear series |Dplus-Dminus|.
If C is a general curve of genus 6, then C can be represented as a plane sextic with 4 nodes. Its canonical embedding is then the projective image of C by the space of cubic forms vanishing at the 4 nodes. This lies on the surface that is the image of P2 under the linear series consisting of the cubics vanishing at the 4 nodes, a del Pezzo surface of degree 5.
Now the image of C under B lies on the image of P^2 under B'. Since "projective image defines a ring", we need to make sure the two ideals are in the same ring to compare them:
The object projectiveImage is a method function with options.