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Packages » RandomIdeals :: randomPureBinomialIdeal
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randomPureBinomialIdeal -- randomPureBinomialIdeal with binomials of given degrees



i1 : kk=ZZ/101

o1 = kk

o1 : QuotientRing
i2 : S=kk[a..e]

o2 = S

o2 : PolynomialRing
i3 : L={3,3,4,6}

o3 = {3, 3, 4, 6}

o3 : List
i4 : I=randomPureBinomialIdeal(L,S)

                            2       2     2 3        4
o4 = ideal (a*b*d - a*b*e, a b - b*e , c*d e  - a*c*e )

o4 : Ideal of S


The binomials are generated one at a time, and there is no checking to see whether the ideal returned is minally generated by fewer elements, so the number of minimal generators may not be what you expect.

See also

Ways to use randomPureBinomialIdeal:

For the programmer

The object randomPureBinomialIdeal is a method function.