This function generates statistics for the sample by applying the given function to each sample point and computing some basic summary statistics. Specifically, the function $f$ is applied to each element in the sample, and -- provided that the function has output of type either numerical (ZZ) or BettiTally -- its result is then used to calculate a mean, standard deviation, and a histogram.
The output above shows the histogram of the degrees of ideals in the sample, as well as mean degree and its standard deviation. The same kind of output is produced by the following statistics:
In the example above, the entry Mean is the average - entry-wise - of the Betti tables of the random ideals in the sample. An adventurous user my wish to get statistics of other functions applied to the sample. If the output of f is not ZZ or BettiTally, the method will tally the sample data:
In fact, anything that can be run through "tally" can be used as the input function f to this method.
The object statistics is a method function.