Generate the conservation equations using the stoichiometric subspace. Before any equations can be created, you must invoke the createRing function, which creates the reaction network ring. If you do not create the ring, you will receive an error message.
Obtain the conservation equations for a motif and display equations.
Generate the conservation equations in a specific ring.
The conservation equations describe a linear subspace going through the origin. To translate the subspace, the user may choose to use random values for the parameters, or enter specific values, such as initial conditions.
Substitute InitialValues
The example below demonstrates how to substitute specific values for the initial values in a reaction network. The list of desired values must be input in the order of the initial values; for that order use N.InitialValues, where N is the name of the reaction network. To substitute random values refer to the example at the end of steadyStateEquations.
The object conservationEquations is a method function.