The ReactionNetworks package provides functions for creating the steady-state and conservation equations corresponding to a given reaction network. Included are some basic building-block motifs, which can be joined together to create specific reaction network. Examples are provided illustrating elimination and degeneration with removal of a species or a reaction and the corresponding effect on the solutions of the system.
Basic Functions: reactionNetwork, isDeficient, isWeaklyReversible, steadyStateEquations conservationEquations, glue
Motifs: oneSiteModificationA, oneSiteModificationB, oneSiteModificationC, oneSiteModificationD, twoSiteModificationE, twoSiteModificationF, twoSiteModificationG, modificationOfTwoSubstratesH, modificationOfTwoSubstratesI, twoLayerCascadeJ, twoLayerCascadeK, twoLayerCascadeL, crossLinkingModelCelldeath (missing documentation) , clusterModelCellDeath, wnt, nSiteProcessiveModification, nSiteDistributiveModification, nSiteImmuneReaction, nSiteDiffusion, nSitePoreForming, nSiteSequestration, nSiteAutocatalytic
The following example demonstrates how to compute the degree and dimension of the ideal cut out by the steady-state and conservation equations.
After creating the reaction network and the corresponding ring, we create the steady state equations and substitute random values for the reaction rates; this will allows us to compute the degree of the ideal.
Next, we create the conservation equations and assume there is no translation, i.e., the initial conditions are all zero.
Finally, we join the two sets of equations and create an ideal. Thus, the degree and dimension can be computed.
This documentation describes version 1.0 of ReactionNetworks.
The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file ReactionNetworks.m2. The auxiliary files accompanying it are in the directory ReactionNetworks/.
The object ReactionNetworks is a package.