ReactionNetwork -- a mutable hash table, stores information about a reaction network
Functions and methods returning an object of class ReactionNetwork:
Methods that use an object of class ReactionNetwork:
conservationEquations(ReactionNetwork) -- see conservationEquations -- creates the conservation equations of a reaction network
conservationEquations(ReactionNetwork,Ring) -- see conservationEquations -- creates the conservation equations of a reaction network
conservationEquations(ReactionNetwork,InexactFieldFamily) (missing documentation)
createConcentrationRates(ReactionNetwork) (missing documentation)
createInitialValues(ReactionNetwork) (missing documentation)
createReactionRates(ReactionNetwork) (missing documentation)
createRing(ReactionNetwork) -- see createRing -- creates a ring with generators species concentrations, reaction rates, initial values
createRing(ReactionNetwork,Ring) -- see createRing -- creates a ring with generators species concentrations, reaction rates, initial values
createRing(ReactionNetwork,InexactFieldFamily) (missing documentation)
glue(List,ReactionNetwork) -- see glue -- combine two networks
glue(ReactionNetwork,List) -- see glue -- combine two networks
glue(ReactionNetwork,ReactionNetwork) -- see glue -- combine two networks
negativeLaplacian(ReactionNetwork) -- see negativeLaplacian -- Computes the negative of the Laplacian matrix of a Reaction Network.
negativeUndirectedLaplacian(ReactionNetwork) -- see negativeUndirectedLaplacian -- Computes the negative of the Laplacian matrix of an undirected graph associated with a Reaction Network.
negativeWeightedLaplacian(ReactionNetwork) -- see negativeWeightedLaplacian -- Computes the negative of the weighted Laplacian matrix of a Reaction Network.
net(ReactionNetwork) (missing documentation)
reactantMatrix(ReactionNetwork) -- see reactantMatrix -- Computes the reactants matrix of a Reaction Network.
reactionMatrix(ReactionNetwork) (missing documentation)
steadyStateEquations(ReactionNetwork) -- see steadyStateEquations -- creates steady-state equations of a reaction network
steadyStateEquations(ReactionNetwork,Ring) -- see steadyStateEquations -- creates steady-state equations of a reaction network
steadyStateEquations(ReactionNetwork,InexactFieldFamily) (missing documentation)
stoichiometricConeKer(ReactionNetwork) -- see stoichiometricConeKer -- Computes a matrix whose columns are the rays of the cone non-negative kernel of the stoichiometric matrix of a Reaction Network.
stoichiometricMatrix(ReactionNetwork) -- see stoichiometricMatrix -- Computes the stoichiometric matrix of a Reaction Network.
stoichiometricSubspace(ReactionNetwork) -- see stoichiometricSubspace -- Computes the stoichiometric space of a Reaction Network.
stoichSubspaceKer(ReactionNetwork) -- see stoichSubspaceKer -- Computes the kernel of the stoichiometric matrix of a Reaction Network.
subRandomInitVals(ReactionNetwork) (missing documentation)
subRandomInitVals(ReactionNetwork,Ring) (missing documentation)
subRandomReactionRates(ReactionNetwork) (missing documentation)
subRandomReactionRates(ReactionNetwork,Ring) (missing documentation)
substitute(ReactionNetwork,List) -- substitute species names in reaction network