A smooth cubic fourfold Y containing a degree-5 del Pezzo surface X is known to be rational, see for example S. L. Tregub's "Three constructions of rationality of a four-dimensional cubic", 1984. If H is the hyperplane class on Y, then 2H - X is a linear series which gives a birational map from Y to \mathbb{P}^4. We will reproduce the numerical calculations which suggest (but do not prove) this fact. We start by building part of the Chow ring of Y:
We then build the Chow ring of the degree-5 del Pezzo:
We build the canonical class and tangent class of X:
The pullback map from Y to X takes the hyperplane class to the anticanonical class on X. Because a projectiveBundle has extra generators, we end up also having to say where powers of the hyperplane class map to:
Now we build the inclusion of X in Y, which assembles the above information into a variety:
We blow up this inclusion so that we can work with the linear series 2H - X as a divisor.
And now we calculate the Euler characteristic and degree of the line bundle 2H - E on Ztilde.
More generally, we can compute the Euler characteristic and degree of all line bundles of the form rH + sE on Ztilde: