If a monomial ideal is minimally generated by a list of monomials $L$, then the Buchberger complex is the simplicial complex whose vertices correspond to the monomials in $L$ and whose faces faces correspond subsets $F$ of $L$ for which no monomial in $L$ properly divides $\text{lcm} (F)$. When we say a monomial $m$ properly divides $\text{lcm} (F)$, we mean $m$ divides $\text{lcm} (F)$ and $(\text{lcm} (F))/m$ has the same support as $\text{lcm} (F)$.
The Buchberger complex is a generalization of the Buchberger graph, first introduced in Miller-Sturmfels Monomial Ideals and Planar Graphs as an important object of study for Gröbner bases. Oltaneau and Welker introduce the Buchberger complex in their paper The Buchberger Resolution.
The Buchberger complex supports a free resolution of $I$, called the Buchberger resolution of $I$.
If the monomial ideal is square free, then the Buchberger complex is the simplex on $\#L$ vertices.
The object buchbergerSimplicialComplex is a method function.