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Packages » SpectralSequences :: Examples of filtered complexes and spectral sequences
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Examples of filtered complexes and spectral sequences -- How to use this package

Here is a list of some examples which illustrate various parts of this package.

First examples which show how to use this package

$\bullet$ How to make filtered complexes from chain complex maps

$\bullet$ Filtrations and tensor product complexes

$\bullet$ Filtrations and homomorphism complexes

$\bullet$ Filtered complexes and simplicial complexes

$\bullet$ I-adic filtrations of chain complexes and their spectral sequences

More elaborate examples which illustrate this package

$\bullet$ Computing the Serre Spectral Sequence associated to a Hopf Fibration

$\bullet$ Balancing Tor

$\bullet$ Spectral sequences and hypercohomology calculations

$\bullet$ Spectral sequences and connecting morphisms

$\bullet$ Spectral sequences and non-Koszul syzygies

$\bullet$ Seeing Cancellations

$\bullet$ A spectral sequence which fails to degenerate quickly

$\bullet$ Edge homomorphisms

$\bullet$ Examples of change of rings Spectral Sequences

More easy topological examples

$\bullet$ Identifying anti-podal points of the two sphere

$\bullet$ The fibration of the Klein Bottle over the sphere with fibers the sphere

$\bullet$ The trivial fibration over the sphere with fibers the sphere