In this example we give a simplicial realization of the fibration $\mathbb{S}^1 \rightarrow {\rm Klein Bottle} \rightarrow \mathbb{S}^1$. To give a simplicial realization of this fibration we first make a simplicial complex which gives a triangulation of the Klein Bottle. The triangulation of the Klein Bottle that we use has 18 facets and is, up to relabling, the triangulation of the Klein bottle given in Figure 6.14 of Armstrong's book Basic Topology.
We can check that the homology of this simplicial complex agrees with that of the Klein Bottle:
Let $S$ be the simplicial complex with facets $\{A_0 A_1, A_0 A_2, A_1 A_2\}$. Then $S$ is a triangulation of $S^1$. The simplicial map $\pi : \Delta \rightarrow S$ given by $\pi(a_{i,j}) = A_i$ is a combinatorial realization of the fibration $S^1 \rightarrow {\rm Klein Bottle} \rightarrow S^1$. The subsimplicial complexes of $\Delta$, which arise from the the inverse images of the simplicies of $S$, are described below.
The resulting filtered chain complex is:
The resulting spectral sequence is:
Note that the spectral sequence is abutting to what it should — the integral homology of the Klein bottle