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Packages » TateOnProducts :: tateData
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tateData -- reads TateData from the cache of an appropriate ring



The function productOfProjectiveSpaces creates two rings and store various data in their cache table, which tateData reads.

i1 : (S,E) = productOfProjectiveSpaces{1,2}

o1 = (S, E)

o1 : Sequence
i2 : T = tateData S

o2 = MutableHashTable{...3...}

o2 : MutableHashTable
i3 : peek T

o3 = MutableHashTable{BeilinsonBundles => MutableHashTable{}}
                      CohomRing => ZZ[h, k]
                      Rings => (S, E)
i4 : T === S.TateData

o4 = true
i5 : peek E.TateData

o5 = MutableHashTable{BeilinsonBundles => MutableHashTable{}}
                      CohomRing => ZZ[h, k]
                      Rings => (S, E)
i6 : T === E.TateData

o6 = true

See also

Ways to use tateData:

For the programmer

The object tateData is a method function.